Big Mac Recipe
- 1 - regular sized sesame seed bun
- 1 - regular sized plain bun
- 2 - previously frozen regular beef patties
- 2 -tablespoons Big Mac sauce
- 2 -teaspoons reconstituted onions
- 1 -slice real American cheese
- 2 - hamburger pickle slices
- 1/4 Cup -shredded iceberg lettuce
- Discard the crown half of the regular bun, retaining the heel.
- The cooking method for the Big Mac is basically the same as the regular burgers, only the bun toasting method is slightly different.
- In the Big Mac's case you toast the bottom (heel) first. Do this along with the extra heel. (this will be your middle bun.)
- Cook the two-all-beef-patties just like the regular burgers.
- After the bun parts are toasted, put 1 tablespoon of "Mac sauce" on each of the heels.(toasted side.)
- Then add 1/8 cup shredded lettuce to each.
- On the true bottom bun, place one thin slice of American cheese on top of the lettuce.
- On the extra "heel", the middle bun, place two pickle slices on top of the lettuce.
- Toast the "crown" (top) of the bun also.
- When the meat patties are done, place them one at a time on both prepared buns.
- Stack the middle bun on top of the bottom bun, and put the crown on top.
** For proper "aging", or "Q-ing", ...wrap the finished Big Mac in a 12"x18" sheet of waxed
paper as follows:
- Center the burger, right side up, on the waxed paper. Fold the "long" ends of the paper up over the top. (It will resemble a tube with the burger in the center.)
- Fold the two remaining ends underneath. Wrap snug, but don't squish it like the regular burgers.
- Let sit 5-8 minutes, allowing the flavors to "meld".
- Microwave, still wrapped, 15 seconds on high.
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